Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy

Approved by: Acting Chairman April 20th 2023
Date: March 2023
Version Number: 1.0
Status: Draft
Review Frequency: Every 2 year
Next review date: 2025
Relevant Legislation / Licences: Care Act 2014
Data Protection Acts 1994 and 1998
Human Rights Act 1998
Equality Act 2010
Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 Sexual Offences Act 2003
Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Act 2004 Mental Capacity Act 2005
Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims (Amendment) Act 2012
Care and Support Statutory Guidance 2014
Counterterrorism and Security Act 2015
Modern Slavery Act 2015
Related Policy / Document: Safeguarding Children at Risk Policy
Equality Diversity, and Inclusion Policy
  1. Purpose

    1. Heulwen Trust (believes that no person should experience harm or abuse. Safeguarding adults at risk is part of The Trust wider role of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of every person who uses The Trust services.
    2. This policy is designed to ensure a safe environment is provided for adults at risk and they feel confident about sharing any concerns they may have about their own safety or the well-being of others.
  2. Policy Scope

    1. This policy applies to anyone working on behalf of TH TRUST, including its Board of Trustees, paid staff and volunteers who have contact with adults at risk through The Trust work.
    2. “At risk” means a person who may be more vulnerable to abuse than others because he/she may have a mental health problem, a disability, a sensory impairment, is old and frail, or has some form of illness and may not be able to safeguard themselves as a result.
    3. For the purpose of this policy, we mean a person aged 18 or over who is or may be:
      • In need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and
      • Unable to take care of him/herself, or unable to protect him/herself against significant harm or exploitation
    4. In addition, some adults may be at risk due to a specific circumstance they face, such as domestic abuse or forced marriage.
    5. It is the Trust responsibility to prevent the neglect or abuse of adults at risk and to report any suspected, disclosed or discovered abuse. We expect all Trust staff, Trustees and volunteers to comply with this policy.
  3. Policy

    1. The Trust believes that any adult at risk, regardless of background, has at all times and in all situations, the right to enjoy the activities of TH TRUST in a happy, safe and secure environment.
    2. The Trust’s policy is based on the following key principles:
      • We will respect the rights, dignity and worth of all adults
      • All adults, regardless of age, ability or disability, gender, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital or transgender status, have the right to be protected from abuse and poor practice and to have an enjoyable and safe environment whilst using The Trust services
      • We recognise that disabled adults may or may not identify themselves or be identified as an adult ‘at risk’
      • We will aim to make reasonable adjustments for any ability, disability or impairment, and also commit to monitoring and review.
    3. The Trust a responsibility to promote the welfare of all people using The Trust services, to keep them safe and to practice in a way that protects them. This policy and procedure will help us to achieve these principles by:
      • Setting out The Trust safeguarding practices, defining abuse and providing clear guidelines on what to do where we suspect abuse
      • Ensuring all Trust employees, Trustees and volunteers (‘staff’) understand and adhere to this policy and The Trust protection procedures
      • Being clear on the roles and responsibilities we all have in safeguarding
      • Ensuring adults at risk and their families know about The Trust safeguarding policies and what to do if they have a concern by publishing this policy on the Trust web site and including it in The Trust booking confirmations, as appropriate
      • Appointing a nominated safeguarding lead in the Trust and a member of the Trustee’s board who takes lead responsibility for safeguarding
      • Taking any allegation seriously and responding to it quickly, in line with this policy
  4. Abuse of Adults at Risk – Types and Indicators

    1. Abuse is a violation of a person’s rights or dignity by someone else. It can take place in any context and by any person. Types of abuse include:
      • Neglect
      • Sexual abuse
      • Physical Abuse
      • Emotional / psychological abuse, including radicalisation and extremism
      • Financial abuse
      • Institutional abuse
      • Discrimination
      • Exploitation
      • Domestic violence when the victim is an adult at risk
      • Modern slavery
      • Self-neglect which includes hoarding
    2. Some adults at risk may have additional vulnerabilities so further safeguards may need to be put in place to reduce the potential risk of abuse and neglect. Although the online world provides many benefits to adults at risk, there are also a number of potential associated risks:
      • Inappropriate language or images
      • Online grooming
      • Cyberbullying
      • Sexting
    3. There are many indicators that may suggest someone is being abused. These include but are not limited to a person:
      • Having unexplained bruises or injuries or lack of medical attention when an injury is present
      • Having belongings or money going missing
      • Losing or gaining weight / having an unkempt appearance ·
      • Changing their behaviour or confidence decrease
      • Self-harming
      • Having a fear of a particular group or individual
      • Telling you / another person they are being abused – i.e. a disclosure
  5. Policy Implementation and Compliance

    1. The Trust aim is to maintain a culture of protecting adults at risk and where everyone feels confident to raise legitimate concerns without prejudice to their own position. Any concerns about the behaviour of any person involved in Trust projects which may be harmful to an adult at risk must be reported to The Trust Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP).
    2. Derailed below is how the trust maintains a safe, friendly and welcoming environment for all.
    3. Thew Trust has a named designated safeguarding person (DSP). The DSP will provide regular support and supervision to new Trustees, members of staff and volunteers in all areas of their work including adult protection and safeguarding. User organisations or parents/carers, as appropriate, will be advised of the name of the DSP in their booking confirmation, to whom they may report any worries or concerns.
    4. Employees/volunteers are responsible for reporting suspected cases of abuse to the DSP as a matter of urgency. In the event of any concerns regarding an adult at risk, the DSP must be informed at the earliest available opportunity. If appropriate, the DSP will inform the relevant external bodies which include, but are not limited to adult Social Services Department, health agencies and the police and the Chair of the Trust, without delay.
    5. The DSP will also ensure that the Trust’s safeguarding procedures are reviewed annually.
  6. Recruitment

    1. The Trust will take all reasonable steps to ensure unsuitable individuals are prevented from having any involvement with the Trust. In practice we will:
      • Interview all potential employees and volunteers
      • Ensure that all employees/volunteers have appropriate qualifications and training
      • Carry out checks before hiring permanent employees of staff including self-declaration, a Criminal Record Check (CRC) as relevant, CV and qualification checks and obtaining satisfactory references
  7. Training of Staff and Volunteers

    1. The Trust will make all staff aware of this policy as part of their initial induction process and provide regular briefings and updates. Additionally, we will:
      • Require all new staff and volunteers to read this Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy and sign a form to record compliance and to indicate that they have understood and will comply with it. We maintain a form to record compliance. This will enable The Trust staff and volunteers to identify the signs of abuse and know what steps to take and who to report any concerns
      • Provide induction and awareness raising to all new employees/volunteers, including relevant training
      • We will provide ongoing safeguarding training and supervision and ensure all employees and volunteers are adequately supported.
  8. Open Environment

    1. The Trust aims to provide a safe and open environment by avoiding private or unobserved situations and discouraging the keeping of secrets. To support this, The Trust staff should:
      • Ensure that they are not alone with a adult at any time, out of the sight or presence of youth workers, parents or other THE TRUST staff. When this is unavoidable, it should be done with the full knowledge and consent of someone in charge of THE TRUST and/or the user organisation and/or the adults’ parents/carers
      • If adults need supervising in such facilities, two DBS-checked adults should be present
  9. Supervision of Adults at Risk

    1. The Trust’s ratio of staffing is a minimum of two adults, who will usually be provided by the user organisation, with every group of adults at risk (up to a maximum of ten). This exceeds laid down best practice standards. Any additional staffing will be determined and provided for by the user group in accordance with their risk assessments.
  10. Risk Assessments

    1. Where adults at risk are part of and/or supervised by a user organisation, we will ensure that the user organisation has carried out a Risk Assessment. If it has, we will not carry out the Trust own risk assessment save in exceptional circumstances, for example, if the user organisation’s risk assessment is defective or inadequate.
  11. Communication

    1. Is central to maintaining a safe environment. This includes:
      • Providing information to user groups before participating in an The Trust project or trip
      • Choosing the appropriate method of providing information before a trip
      • Listening to aduklts views on matters which affect, such as activities to be undertaken during a trip.
  12. Transportation

    1. It is the responsibility of the user organisation to provide transport for adults to and from the boats adhering to their own safeguarding policies.
    2. Arrangements for carers dropping off and collecting from activities/trips will be clearly stated and agreed by the user organisation and/or /carers, adults and the Trust employees/volunteers.
  13. Photographic Images

    1. As a normal part of The Trust activities to promote our community work, we welcome suitable photographs of any person enjoying our facility.
    2. The Trust will check the organisation’s policy on taking and using photographs with the group leader but The Trust will rely on the group leader to take and provide photos to us, as appropriate and in line with the user organisation’s policy.
    3. The Trust is responsible for our website content and the Trust will not include any image which could harm any person, directly or indirectly.
  14. Trip Sheet

    1. The Trust staff will keep an attendance register (Trip Sheet) for all organised sessions so we have evidence on who was on the boat in case of potential future allegations.
  15. Procedures

    1. Safeguarding adults is everyone’s responsibility. Every Trust staff member and person using our facility has a responsibility to respond to any concerns that they or others may have about harm to a adult or the behaviour of an adult. This relates to concerns which arise both within and outside the the Trust environment.
    2. The Trust will deal with poor practice and any suspicion of harm, whether physical, sexual, emotional, bullying or neglect. Trust staff must always report any suspicion of harm as a priority. Where an allegation is made about an The Trust staff member, The Trust will deal with this quickly and in the same way. The detail procedures for dealing with situations are:
      • A person disclosing or reporting information to a Trust staff member of an incident or complaint involving the behaviour of an adult in relation to a physical, sexual, emotional, bullying or neglect that may be considered to be abuse or poor practice; or
      • A Trust staff member has witnessed an incident involving the behaviour of an adult in relation physical, sexual, emotional, bullying or neglect that may be considered to be abuse or poor practice.
  16. Disclosure of a Complaint

    1. Suspicions of potential abuse or neglect or actual complaints may arise in a number of ways:
      • The adult raising issues of concern about him/herself or another adult.
      • A complaint or allegation of abuse or neglect is made to a Trust employee or volunteer; or
      • A Trust employee or volunteer witnesses an incident or behaviours that causes concern.
    2. If a adult discloses information to a member of Trust staff which gives concern, he/she should not:
      • Try to stop the adult from recalling events
      • Take a decision as to whether or not abuse has taken place
      • Ask leading questions, i.e. questions which suggest its own answer
      • Interrogate the adult; it is not their responsibility to investigate
      • Ask the adult to repeat the information for another member of staff
      • Promise confidentiality or make other promises they cannot keep as there may be a duty to share this information and refer it to Adults’ Social Care Services
      • Approach or contact the alleged abuser[s]
    3. The Trust staff member should:
      • Stay calm – ensure the adult is safe and feels safe
      • Be aware of his/her own reactions – showing shock or disapproval may stop the adult from continuing with their disclosure
      • Listen to what the adult is saying, without giving an indication of believing or disbelieving him/her
      • Ask open questions (without interrogating) such as ‘Anything else to tell me?’
      • Do reassure and alleviate guilt, if the adult refers to it. For example, by saying: ‘You’re not to blame’
      • Reassure the adult, but only as far as is honest and avoid promises that it may not be possible to keep, e.g. ‘Everything will be alright now’, ‘You’ll never have to see that person again’, ‘I’ll keep it confidential’
      • Reassure the adult that he/she is right to have spoken about the issue
      • Tell the adult that you will offer support
      • Explain what he/she has to do next, e.g. pass on the information in accordance with this policy so that the correct action can be taken
      • Write up the notes of the conversation as soon as possible. See x. Recording the Concern for details
      • Monitor the adult/adults concerned; encourage them to continue to take part in The Trust activities
    4. Any complaint made to The Trust, a Trustee, an employee or volunteer must be reported immediately to the Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP).
    5. Where a Trust staff member has suspicions or concerns about the safety or welfare of an adult, or witnesses an incident, he/she must report this to the DSP as soon as possible. If he/she feels the adult is at immediate risk of abuse, then a statutory agency (local adults’ services or the police) should be contacted immediately as well as the Chair of the Trust. If the matter concerns the Designated Safeguarding Person, the issue must be raised immediately with the Chair of the Trust.
  17. Reporting a Concern or Complaint

    1. If any person has a concern about a adult or young person whilst using our facility, they should report it immediately to the Designated Safeguarding Person. The DSP will take the necessary action in accordance with this policy, including contacting the appropriate authorities where appropriate.
    2. However, depending on the seriousness of any issue, and whether it concerns an issue on our facility or in the adult’s environment, this may be reported to adults’ services or the police.
    3. The issue should also be reported to the Chair of the Trust. If the matter is urgent and none of the above can be contacted, then contact Social Services or the police. Concerns would normally be shared with parents/carers by the Designated Person as soon as possible. However, there could be circumstances when this could put the adult at greater risk or there may be concerns that parents/carers will not respond appropriately.
    4. Every effort will be made by Social Services to respect the anonymity, if requested, of the person reporting the abuse, however, if allegations result in Court proceedings this may not be possible. If an allegation of abuse is made against a member of staff or volunteer, Social Services will follow the same procedure as they do to investigate allegations of abuse for a family.
  18. Dealing with Potential Cases

    1. The Trust will respond to potential cases of abuse or neglect quickly. It is not the responsibility of employees/volunteers to deal with suspected abuse. Instead, they must report concerns immediately to the DSP.
    2. If employees/volunteers notice any social changes in the behaviour of a adult, worrying marks or bruises or hear a adult/adults talking about things which give cause for concern, their first responsibility is to the adult. It is not safe to assume that someone else will take action, so it is critical to raise any concerns quickly with the DSP.
    3. If an allegation is made directly a staff member or volunteer, he/she should advise the DSP as soon as possible, even if the allegation appears to be trivial.
    4. If an allegation of abuse is made against a member of Trust staff, the DSP will:
      • Advise the person concerned that this is the case
      • Carry out a thorough investigation, with due regard for confidentiality. An investigation should not be interpreted as indicating culpability, rather that we have a duty of care to protect people both using our services and those working with us from any unfounded allegation.
      • Provide moral and practical support if an unwarranted allegation of misconduct is made against a Trust staff member.
    5. Where a member of Trust staff’s behaviour contravenes this policy and guidelines, it will be treated as gross misconduct. Where the employee has concerns about how an allegation against them f or anyone else is being dealt with, he/she should inform the Chair of the Trust.
  19. Recording an Incident or Concern

    1. Any concern or incident concerning a adult should be recorded in writing at the time. When convenient (for example on return to Angel II’s permanent mooring) this should be entered in the Adult Protection register which is kept in the locked filing cabinet in the Trust office.
    2. The record should be factual and signed and dated, with the name of the signatory clearly printed in writing. This record may be used as evidence here a complaint or allegation is made. It should include:
      • The adult’s details: name, date of birth, address and family details
      • This record should include: a) the date and time of the conversation; (b) the place of the conversation; and (c) the essence of what was said and done by whom and in whose presence.
      • Date and time of the alleged event / concern
      • The words used by the adult (do not paraphrase) and record any non- verbal behaviours. Record what the adult actually says rather than any interpretation or assumptions
      • The action taken and by whom
      • The name and position of the person making the record, This should be signed by the person making it, using names and not initials.
    3. If there is evidence, for example, scribbled notes, mobile ‘phones containing text messages, clothing, computers, these should be kept securely with the written record and passed on when reporting the matter in accordance with this policy.
  20. Trust Staff Responsibilities

    1. The DSP Responsibilities include:
      • Ensuring all THE TRUST personnel members are aware of their safeguarding responsibilities
      • Identifying any signs of harm or concerns and reports them to the appropriate authority and Chair of THE TRUST
      • Ensuring that THE TRUST staff have up-to-date DBS checks in accordance before working with adults
    2. Trust personnel and volunteers must:
      • Understand, comply with and follow all guidance in this policy and so create and maintain an environment that creates a safe, friendly and welcoming environment and treats adults with respect
      • Adhere to this policy.
      • Take care to avoid showing any favouritism
      • Take steps to prevent the abuse of younger or weaker adults by older or stronger adults through bullying, cruelty or any other forms of humiliation
      • Work to prevent safeguarding violations and promotes the implementation of the Safeguarding Policy
      • Completes any safeguarding training considered appropriate for their role
      • Report any concerns or suspicions regarding safeguarding violations by any THE TRUST personnel staff member or associated personnel to the Designated Safeguarding Person
    3. The Trust personnel must not:
      • Make racist, sexist or any other remarks which may upset or humiliate
      • Subject an adult to physical, emotional or psychological abuse, or neglect
      • Sexually abuse or exploit adults
      • Engage in any commercially exploitative activities with adults, including slave labour or trafficking
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