First of all, thank you for considering leaving The Heulwen Trust a gift in your Will.
Although we understand that your family and friends are your priority when writing your Will, we cannot express in words just how important your donations are to us. We know this can be a big decision, and you may find it helps to talk it through with your loved ones.
Including The Heulwen Trust in your Will could give other families affected by a disability the chance to spend more precious moments together.
What can I leave to The Heulwen Trust?
There are three main gifts you can leave in your Will:
- A fixed sum of money, known as a Pecuniary Legacy; this can be a lump sum of any amount specified in your Will.
- A share of your estate, known as a Residuary Legacy; after you’ve decided what to leave to your loved ones, you can leave a percentage share or the remainder of your estate to The Heulwen Trust.
- A specific possession; this can be anything from jewellery to a house, or any item that you think may be valuable to us when sold.
There are other gifts you can leave in your Will, please discuss other legacies with your solicitors.
I already have a Will, how do I include a gift to The Heulwen Trust?
If you already have a Will and want to add a gift to The Heulwen Trust, you can make an amendment (codicil); this is quite simple but do please speak to your solicitor about how to do this.
What information do I need to include The Heulwen Trust in my Will?
Once you have decided what you would like to leave as a legacy to The Heulwen Trust, you will need our full name and charity number to share with your solicitor:
Charity Name:
The Heulwen Trust
Registered Charity Number:
Registered address:
Cadwallader & Co,
Eagle House, 25 Severn Street,
Welshpool, Powys, Wales, SY21 7AD
How would my gift be used?
Regardless of the size, a gift left in your Will would make a vital difference to our work; your legacy will mean that the support we give to those affected by disability continues and develops.
Ultimately, your gift will improve the lives and well being of so many children and adults and of course those who care them.
Should I tell The Heulwen Trust e if I’ve left a gift in my Will?
You don’t have to let us know if you have left us a gift in your Will, but it would be great to know so that we can thank you in person and of course plan for the future of the charity.